About Therapeutic Massage
Note Concerning Rehabilitative Massage Services
Since medical massage procedures are highly effective and beneficial to everyone's health, Revitalife Med-Spa makes them available without prescription; however we do require a 'Medical Intake Form' and an 'Informed Consent Form' signed by each individual.

Motion strain can be detrimental to your muscles and other connective tissues by affecting tissue quality, causing muscles to either shorten or lengthen. Over time these conditions cause a buildup of metabolic toxins which adversely affect circulation. Eventually, "knotty" tissue forms which can result in painful trigger points and generalized muscle soreness. As the body adapts to these dysfunctions, a pain-spasm-pain cycle begins which affects nerves and blood vessels, thereby creating more problems. Medical massage helps normalize dysfunctional tissue. Therapeutic massage is generally prescribed by a medical physician to assist in the healing and rehabilitation process of muscular and connective tissue injuries with a specific treatment plan. A specific time frame and progress goals are set; all progress is charted and reported back to your physician.

Benefits of Medical Massage:
realigns soft tissue
improves range of motion
normalizes dysfunctional tissue
relieves painful trigger points
relieves generalized muscle soreness

Whether you are physician prescribed or you have voluntarily chosen medical massage for its healing benefits the process is the same and the following courses of action are used by Revitalife Med-Spa Therapist on each individual depending upon their specific conditions. The normal, recommended frequency is 2 times per week for treatment of most syndromes, and depending on the severity and state of the injury (how chronic or acute) you may need 3 to 6 weeks of specific medical massage treatments in order to effectively treat certain conditions, syndromes, or disorders. Home care exercises which consist of stretching and strengthening activities may be prescribed in conjunction with therapy. Treatable pain syndromes are numerous and caused primarily by soft tissue injuries from a specific event, such as an auto accident, sports activity, stress, trauma or overuse. (i.e., rotator cuff syndrome, frozen shoulder, carpal tunnel, thoracic outlet syndrome, tennis/golfer's elbow, etc).

60 minutes   $60.00
90 minutes   $90.00 
120 minutes $120.00
Add $5
Hot stones
Add $10
Aromatherapy   Deep Tissue 
Hot Stone   Lymphatic Drainage
Myofascial Release  
Swedish Relaxation
Massage Therapy
Now Available at 
Revitalife Day Spa!
Revitalife Day Spa
406 Walnut Street
Green Cove Springs
Florida, 32003

904 - 531 - 9157
FL. LIC. # MM27168
A 30 minute targeted massage Only $35.00

Massage Services